Your Lifeline for Dementia

Dealing with Dementia or Memory Problems?
We can help!

A Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP), commonly referred to as a Speech Therapist, specializes in helping individuals with dementia or memory problems. Our SLP will get to know your loved one and design a therapeutic program specifically for them. For the caregiver, we provide individualized training and education as well as providing information on community resources for additional support.

What can I expect?

The First Step

An SLP will provide an Initial Evaluation to determine the severity of the impairment.

The Initial Evaluation will typically include:

  1. Asking for background information
  2. Completing a Formal Assessments where the patient will answer questions and/or complete tasks
  3. Listen to your primary concerns and learn what you hope to accomplish from therapy
Game Plan

The SLP will work with you to develop strategies to help improve your family member’s quality of life and develop an effective means of communicating their wants and needs.

Treatments may include but are not limited to:

  • Memory/language strategies
  • Visual aids
  • Written notes / daily journal
  • Development of a memory book
  • Communication board

Your SLP will work with you to decide if an Occupational Therapist (OT) or Physical Therapist (PT) would be helpful. They will work together to develop a comprehensive program for your loved one.

Understanding Your Role
As dementia progresses, your loved one will require more support. Their needs can range from simply checking in with a daily phone call to needing 24-hour care. We will help you understand how much assistance your loved one needs.
Training will be provided to you. We will discuss your loved one’s progress, their safety, address your questions and concerns. It will be important to us that you understand our recommendations and how to work with the new tools we give you.
Community Resources
Your SLP will help you tap into many local and national organizations that can offer additional services.

Get in Touch Today!

Do you have a question or would you like to request an appointment?
